Barrett's Esophagus Diet, Barrett's Esophagus Stages, Barretts Symptoms, Barrett's Esophagus Gerd    Barrett's Esophagus Diet, Barrett's Esophagus Stages, Barretts Symptoms, Barrett's Esophagus Gerd.   Barrett's Esophagus Related Risks

The one main concern when investigating what is Barrett's Esophagus related risks is the potential for contracting a deadly cancer of the esophagus.

It has been shown that those with Barrett's Esophagus at are at much higher risk of developing extremely dangerous esophageal cancer.

Around 1% of those with Barrett's Esophagus contract esophageal cancer each year.

Unfortunately esophageal cancer is hard to detect and if you have Barrett's Esophagus you should have a physician perform regular tests.

These tests for cancer of the esophagus are done by taking samples of the tissue cells in the esophagus and are evaluated as low and high grade dysplasia.

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Barrett's Esophagus Diet, Barrett's Esophagus Stages, Barretts Symptoms, Barrett's Esophagus Gerd

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